Bring sunshine to every meal

Every dish deserves love and sunshine, so take a look at our lovely recipes and collections and make every mouthful magical.

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Sunshine Recipes

Sunshine recipes meet the highest standards for nutrition. Select "Sunshine Recipe" in the Diet filter to meet our juiciest, healthist recipes.

Sunshine Recipes meet the highest standards for nutrition.

What makes a Sunshine Recipe:

  • Provides at least 1/2 cup fruit and/or vegetable per serving
  • Serving provides 10% Daily Value or more of two of the following nutrients: calcium, dietary fiber, iron, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D
  • Added sugars are <10% calories per serving
  • Saturated fat is <10% calories per serving
  • No artificial trans fats
  • Sodium content is < 1 mg per calorie